Author and Coach Personal Branding

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Pangeline Edwards is a globe-trotting, multi-faceted, multi-talented speaker, certified professional coach and best-selling author. She speaks nearly 5 languages, holds various degrees and runs a podcast built for success.

Oh, did I mention she has over 16.1k followers on Instagram?!  She’s the real deal.  Kick Fear Now is an international brand and Pangeline is an incredible author. She speaks right to the heart.

  Her brand is on the rise and she will be publishing again soon, her new website is launching soon and her audience awaits fresh content.  Enter: The Personal Branding Shoot!

  We planned a Personal Branding shoot to update her portfolio of images. As a professional, she already had a cache of images, but they were quickly becoming outdated. It was time to freshen things up.  

We spent 4 hours together and ran through a myriad of outfits and backgrounds and created enough variety so that she’d have fresh content for at least a year. The location was gorgeous inside and out and we took advantage of all the decor. You can see how each setting complements each outfit, including the jewelry. Everything works together to support her particular brand.

I’m excited to watch Pangeline roll out these images over the next year!


Custom stock photography: allows you to create sharp marketing images to keep your social media offerings fresh.


Business Coach Personal Branding


The Secret Penthouse