Jewelry Designer Personal Branding

Erin Bassett Artistry is more than just a jewelry designer, she’s a monolith of a brand and taking the nation by storm. Oh, I know it sounds cliché, but her talent is amazing and she’s showcasing her products in New York, Atlanta and many more cities across the US. She already had an stunning line of silk fabric necklaces, earrings and stunning wall art, but she’s now started a new line with a very special material - coconut fiber! It’s incredibly light and makes for an incredible statement.

Erin needed a ba-jillion images that were stylish, fashion forward and that showcased her jewelry. We had AJ Knapp, a fabulous model, who could wear anything and really knows how to move her body. She’s such a great model that she manages to uplift the jewelry without overshadowing it. This was a super fun shoot and we managed a ton of variety all within the studio.

I love being able to create such fun and diffrent images - I love a challenge! Reach out and tell me all about your project!


Acupuncture, Breathwork and PSYCH-K Personal Branding


Health Coach Personal Branding