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The Strong, Silent Transgender Type

Originally, I wasn’t going to write anything here - “strong, silent type” - get it? LOL. But then, I thought, no, I have something to say. (don’t I always?!)

Christian is one of the sweetest and most articulate guys I’ve ever met. I know, you’re thinking how can he be a strong, silent type and still be articulate?! LOL. ok, ok, let me explain.

Christian arrived to his shoot a bit shy and quiet, but with an open mind and an interest in exploring the reaches of his comfort level with being photographed. We fumbled through the first few frames together and as he analyzed the back of the camera, he described what he was feeling when he saw the images. We would tweak the poses, the lighting, and the mood to match the vision in his head for the vibe he wanted to capture.

I think we captured his quiet confidence, his endearing eyes, and his kind spirit.

Christian also wanted to do a few intimate portraits with his girlfriend. She describes him as caring with a big heart. I think you can see that in his piercing gaze and gentle touch. I love how these turned out.

I’m so grateful to Christian for sharing his transgender identity with me and on this blog post. Representation matters.