I was recently interviewed by Collette Darville of YinYoga Lifestyle about the philosophy behind my photography. This in-depth interview was so very well crafted by Colette that it naturally created the best conversation I’ve had surrounding photography in a long time. It feel so good to say what you want to say, right?!

We discuss the art and evolution of boudoir as it has evolved from consumership and the objectification of women into something transformative and empowering. I go into my thoughts on this.

What’s great about a conversation like this is that we are able to go where the story takes us, and so I get to riff about my feelings on what has happened to our “villages”, what it means to share the “human condition” and how we are all capable of providing hope for others.

So, grab a cuppa coffee, get cozy on the couch and join me for this fireside chat.


The Power of Misty's Eyez


G-Men: Fitness & Fine Art