Petite Style Coach Personal Branding

Time for a fresh and exciting new look! We created bright and happy images for Petite Style Coach, Angela.

After an in-depth Branding Analysis, we fleshed out that Angela’s brand is clean, minimalist, bold and feminine. This informed our styling choices - backgrounds, wardrobe and even the lighting.

Part of the magic in these types of sessions is eliciting the emotions that speak directly to her clients. How did we do that? Well, that’s part of my secret sauce LOL, but let’s just say that our sessions are a ton of fun and they get the job done!

What I love the most is seeing how the images are used on their websites and social media. Angela’s website is aaaadorrrable! I took little screenshots of some of my favorite parts to share here. The images just add so much to the layout - really helps her clients connect.

Man, I love this stuff!


Graciela In the Media


Mix It Up!