Financial Advisor Personal Branding

Roxanne Blade Branding 195 by Graciela Valdes - small.jpg

How do you choose a financial advisor? You check their portfolio, right? Some references? BUT FIRST, you check out their website, don’t you? You check out their photo and you decide in a split second if they pass the first barrier: your GUT. Does their look vibe with yours? Do they appear professional? Do they seem put together? Do they look honest?

Meet this amazing financial advisor based in Deerfield Beach, Florida. We recently partnered to create a series of images for her new refreshed brand look and I’m SO in love with these personal branding images!

As with all of my Fort Lauderdale Personal Branding photography clients, we started with a consultation where we discussed her brand, business and industry; from this we formulated how we would put together a location, styling and look that would speak directly to her ideal clients. My makeup artist, who is incredible at listening, created the exact natural and professional look this client was hoping for.

This was one of our longer shoots and so we were able to get lots of great variety in the session. She now has images that will serve her as she builds out a shiny, new website and launches her social media campaigns. I absolutely love that we got her in various stages of her workflow so that potential clients can visualize exactly what to expect when working with her.

We also took a few lifestyle shots - her relaxing alone and also spending time with her husband. These images tell her audience that not only is she a professional, but that she has successfully created the exact lifestyle she wants for herself.

As my former business coach used to say, how you do one thing is how you do everything. Seeing these images, I get a sense that this modern woman is the consummate professional, friendly, and someone I can trust. She’s absolutely beaming in these and I can tell she’d be understanding and even a bit funny - someone I’d like to be friends with AND get financial advice from!

All that from a few images - after all, they say a picture is worth a thousand words!


The Secret Penthouse


Marketing Entrepreneur Branding