Exquisite Taste & Personal Branding

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The style and grace of Dorothy Dandridge is alive and well in the beautiful Ms. Patricia!

With a passion for styling and fashion, Patricia was a pleasure to photograph. She pulled her favorite outfits from her wardrobe, along with the perfect shoes and accessories to match. Couple that with her sparking smile and infectious personality and you have a recipe for success!

As soon as I got a feel for her style, I knew exactly where we needed to do her shoot: the gorgeous La Vie En Blanc, a beautiful home decor boutique located in Fort Lauderdale. Luckily, I have a relationship with the owner and we were able to do our shoot amongst all this gorgeousness.

One of my favorite parts about executing a shoot is taking the client’s outfits, accessories and personalities and matching them to a scene and background. We wanted to tell a story showcasing her friendly nature and her beautiful style.

No doubt her current and future clients will connect with her right away, just through these portraits. It was such a pleasure working with her!


Me, a Speaker at Women Empower Expo!


Gorgeously Modern Boudoir