Elegance Personified

Elegant portraits are timeless.

Ms. M is the epitome of elegance. She carries herself with grace and ease. She’s the type of woman that slips into a room and simply radiates beauty and warmth.

We knew her portraits needed to be timelessly classic.

We found this fabulous flower and built an entire photoshoot around it. Everything from her beautiful dress, the handpainted backdrop and the flawless makeup application by our professional makeup artist all came together beautifully.

Sometimes the best portraits are minimalist. Just a few little elements to tell your story and allow your essence to shine through.

Everyone should have a classic portrait at home. I love printing images like these really large. Statement pieces. Imagine seeing yourself like this every day - a reminder of all that you are. Gorgeous.

Reach out and let’s plan your dream session.

Makeup by Scharon Isse


Renaissance Women Portraiture


Private Space Airways