Celebrating Fitness and Turning 30!

Turning 30 Boudoir and Fitness Boudoir by Graciela Valdes4.jpg

Nohemy Adorno is not just a personal trainer and YouTube blogger, she’s a woman in full celebration of her womanhood! Wait till you hear what happened on the day of the shoot!

Celebrating turning 30 with a boudoir shoot is one of the BEST ideas EVER!

Nohemy called me after seeing my work on display at the Women Empower Expo in Fort Lauderdale. She was a woman on a mission! She knew that she wanted to do a boudoir shoot and she also wanted some fitness portraits that would help her personal training business, but wasn’t quite sure how to go about it.

We worked closely together to come up with a combination of outfits and backgrounds that could tell the story she wanted to tell. Instagram and YouTube are huge in her line of work, so we made sure the images were social media friendly.

Since she was also celebrating her upcoming 30th birthday, we decided to a Kardashian-inspired bathtub and balloons set. Well, the morning of the session she goes to Party City to buy her 30 balloons and guess what? They are out of helium and so is every other store near her! OMG, how does this happen?! Well, sure enough there is some kind of helium crisis going on unbeknownst to us and helium is being rationed. Luckily, I live just a few blocks from a Party City and I ran over there - we were so lucky they had helium! I filled the balloons and it really saved the day. She was so happy to have her dream set done! She had so much fun!

You can check out Nohemy on her Instagram and on her YouTube Channel.

MUA: Scharon Isse


Gorgeously Modern Boudoir


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