Beach Boudoir

Fort Lauderdale Beach Boudoir! As a Ft. Lauderdale Boudoir Photographer, you can imagine how many requests I get to do beach boudoir sessions! Happens all the time. Everyone comes with their own story in mind and with their own comfort level for what's gonna fly at the beach. Alison had her own ideas!

After having her hair and makeup professionally done, we arrived at this gorgeous South Florida beach and started off with a mimosa toast! It was important to celebrate this moment!

Alison had shared that she did not want to be in traditional lingerie; that she loved the color red; and that she was very proud of her athletic figure she had worked so hard for, especially after giving birth less than a year earlier.

Alison credits her baby weight loss and overall health to the Xyngular supplement products she uses. She enjoyed the products so much she became a Manager for the company and is now enjoying financial and time freedom she never thought possible. The total ultimate win when you have a little one year old boy who wants his Momma! You can check out her journey, products and business venture on her Facebook page

Alison's experience was transformative, empowering and both a celebration of how far she's come and a milestone in her journey to continued health and happiness.

A Boudoir session doesn't have to be in lingerie or over the top sexually speaking. It can be demure and conservative and fully clothed! LOL Alison wanted to feel SEXY, FREE, STRONG and CONFIDENT. I'd say, Mission Accomplished!

Hair and Makeup by: Scharon Isse


G-Men, the Male Boudoir Experience


Pure Art Ginger Boudoir